This Nobody Greater piano tutorial breaks down the piano chords and bass lines of this very popular inspirational song by VaShawn Mitchell.
When the pastor at my church calls weekly to have me learn a new song for praise and worship on sunday I usually already know it or in most cases it is a simple repetitive chord sequence as in "How Great is our God" or many of the other easy to sing and play songs.
When he called to have me learn Nobody Greater I said sure no problem and hung up the phone to take a listen to the recording of the song live which you can hear in the video below.
While I could hear the changes in the verses fairly easily, the bridge was another story. As I play both the chords and the bass parts on a split keyboard I knew my work was cut out for me and I also knew that I would want to share the chords in an understandable way with my students and readers.
Below you will find a breakdown, discussion, and video for Nobody Greater which I hope will help you through this really cool song.
First the intro:
Not all that easy to hear even for me. The intro uses 4 (quartal) chords all played over a Gb syncopated bass line.
In music, quartal harmony builds chords with a preference for the intervals of the perfect fourth. For more information on intervals check out the lesson on music intervals.
Having given you that definition there are a few ways you could name the chords in the intro but for the sake of this tutorial I am going to give you the notes.
While the left hand pedals the Gb bass note the first 4 chords are simplified three note chords built in fourths [(Eb-Ab-Db) (C-F-Bb)] – [(Db-F-B)- (F-Bb-Eb)] resolving to Gbmajor.
Hint: It is much easier to remember the first note of each quartal chord and think "4ths" rather than remember each note of each chord.
The verses are perhaps the easiest part of Nobody Greater with the chords Emaj, Bmaj and (Db/Gb ,Gb) with a slight variation in the first verse explained on the video below.
The Chorus (searched all over....) uses the chords Db, B, Db, B, Emaj, Bmaj Gb.
The part that gave me the biggest challenge was the bridge (nobody can heal...).
The changes in this part are / Db / Gb / Db / Ebm7 / (Em7/A ,Fm7/Bb) / (Em6/Eb, Bmaj7/Ab) / E/Ab / Caug/ D, Bb/C / Bb, Ab, Gb / Ebm7, C/D. /
After the bridge the chorus is repeated as needed in the new key one step higher in Ab. (Eb, Db, Eb, Db, Gb, Db, Ab)
To make it a bit easier to visualize I am using slash chords rather that trying to name the chord based on the bass notes. See the video for clarification and simple fingering.
That about covers the chords for Nobody Greater If you have any question about this song or suggestions for a song you would like to see broken down make sure to contact me.
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If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.
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This is for the musician who truly wants to be used by God to
usher in His presence through music. The musician who no longer
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This is a holistic course focusing both on the creative music
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Brief description of each disc below:
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Disc 2: In the second part of this course, you'll learn what
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Both of these styles are found in tons of choir songs, praise
songs, and devotional music like "I'm On the Battlefield."
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Gospel Keys Ministry
God bless,