Useful Piano Exercises.
Scales and Chords

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Piano exercises are an important part of learning to play piano or electronic keyboards.

As a beginning and intermediate keyboard player I spent a great deal of time getting the muscle memory I needed to play fluidly and express my ideas at the keyboard.

While they can be a bit tedious at times, the minutes you spend during your practice sessions on scale and chord exercises will pay off quickly.

What may seem difficult at first it terms of finger coordination will eventually become second nature like walking or riding a bike.

Piano Scales and general finger dexterity.

My motivation for learning piano was to play in a band. I was inspired by the Rock and Roll revolution of the 50's, 60's and 70's and found that forming a band was both exciting and rewarding.

I did not do well with traditional piano lessons and had no interest and no patience for the tedious reading lessons and uninspiring songs contained in beginner piano methods of the day.

I did however take it upon myself to learn my piano scales and purchased a copy of Hannon (The Virtuoso Piano) and started learning both the dexterity exercises and the scales contained in this widely used classic volume.

If you are interested in becoming proficient at piano I suggest you dig up a copy or if you are like me and reading is not your thing check out this Hannon Video Method.

Chords, Inversions, and progressions.

Knowing all your chords, in all their inversions, and how they move , or progress is a worthy goal The time you spend on chord exercises will pay off with interest.

You can buy a book with a giga-zilion diagrams in it and use it as a stool or learn a few simple Chord Formulas and have them in your head and under your fingers forever.

To you want learn everything about piano chords and find some great chord piano exercises Go to piano chords the nav bar. and explore the links. You'll find written exercises and videos that will get you started and should keep you busy for a while.

If you want if my opinion one of the best beginner methods for home study check out Hear and Play. Great program, great company, satisfaction guarantee.

Learn Arpeggios

In this lesson this stylistic technique is defined and some excellent exercises are suggested to help you get comfortable using them in all the right places.

learn arpeggios and how to use them

more piano finger exercises. Increaes speed and dexterity

Best Home Study for "Ear Players"

After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.

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If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.

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