Learn Gospel Piano

Learning Gospel piano is not much different than learning any other style of piano music in that you will need to learn the basic fundamentals of piano and apply them to the various styles of contemporary gospel and praise music.

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I started my musical career over 40+ years ago and without the church I may have never grown to love music and playing and singing inspirational gospel and praise music.

During the week I played jazz, rock, soul, country and most other styles of popular music professionally but come Sunday morning I was always giving my best performances in Church.

There is something about praise music that just reaches out and touches the hearts of believers young and old.

Gospel Piano Styles

Most gospel music will be very vocal oriented and will often use three and four part harmony.

Most forms of gospel music will utilize choirs, use piano or Hammond organ, drums, bass guitar and, electric guitar.

Most gospel songs will have a refrain and use more syncopated rhythms as opposed to the traditional Hymns which are much more stately.

The most recognizable styles of gospel music include contemporary gospel, urban contemporary gospel sometime called "black gospel, southern gospel, and modern or contemporary Christian music.

The same fundamentals you use to play rock , jazz, blues , country and soul can be and are used within these various forms of contemporary gospel music.

Three fundamentals.

If you are a beginner you will need to know a little bit about melodies which are derived from music scales.

You will also need to know some basic skills on the subject of harmony which will come from your study of piano chords.

The third element of all styles of gospel music is the root motion or the bass which will also come from you study of chords and inversions.

That may sound like a lot but it is really easier than you think. If you are a beginner take a few seconds to hear a three step audio demo of how these three elements come together without years of study.

Apply the fundamentals.

By learning about melodies and as few as three chords and a little about bass motion you will be able to apply this knowledge to hundreds of gospel songs no matter what the style.

The bottom line is If you learn to MASTER SMALL CHORD PATTERNS, you can literally play HUNDREDS of worship songs by ear...

Listen to a brief lesson and demonstration by Minister Jermaine Griggs.

Dear Fellow Musician,

What if you could lock yourself in a room and get 4.5 hours of
ministry-focused instruction from the man behind many of your
favorite gospel albums?

Would that excite you?

Well, you're definitely in luck! Because I've found a resource
that'll uncover tons of contemporary gospel secrets from one of
the baddest gospel musicians in the industry today, Mr. Jason

You'll get the opportunity to learn flavorful approaches,
chords, movements, patterns, "licks & tricks," and real songs
from Jason White, but not only that...

You'll learn the music ministry side of things too. This isn't
just for someone who wants to steal a bunch of chords and sound
good, although you'll get dozens upon dozens of chords and will
certainly sound 10 times better after devouring this course.
This is deeper than that though.

To learn more, click the link below:

                                Gospel Keys Ministry

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If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.

Learn to play Amazing Grace on Piano here!

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