You Can Teach Yourself Piano

Then answer to the question "Can you teach yourself piano" is absolutely Yes! with perhaps a few exceptions. Surely if you want to be a concert pianist and play difficult classical music you will need years and years of study and lots of quality instruction.

However if your goal is to play popular music for fun and enrichment, play in a band, or you just want to  impress your friends then read on...

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If you are reading this article I am assuming that you have the desire to learn how to play piano, that you have little or no knowledge about playing keyboard instruments and are willing to take a little direction to help you reach your goal.

A great first step would be to enter your e-mail address and name and register for free lesson alerts from Personal Piano Professor. I will send you periodic lessons and videos to help you learn to play and your e-mail address is secure.

Perhaps the first step to learning anything is to seek out a little guidance and help and you have taken the first step already. Congratulations!!

It may seem obvious but if you are going to teach yourself piano you will need an instrument.

If you are lucky enough to have the space and can afford an acoustic piano you are well on your way. There is nothing like the elegance and tone of a well maintained acoustic piano.

If you are considering the purchase of an acoustic piano it is wise to seek out a reputable dealer to help you with your choice.

A Digital Alternative.

Fortunately for those of us with space and money limitations there are hundreds of makes and models of digital pianos.

These amazing instruments are easy to move and do not require the maintenance and space of an acoustic piano.

They are also a gateway to the digital world of learning software, music production, and many other helpful and fascinating software applications.

Still more choices..

If your space and financial resources are at a minimum or your are not sure if you will take to learning to play there are lots of models of electronic keyboards that are filled with great sounds and features and can start at a price as low as 100.00.

Ready to start?

So you have got an instrument to play on and you are ready to begin so lets get started!

If you are an absolute beginner you will need to know the basics of how to sit at the piano, hand position, the names of the keys and some other simple hints and you are ready to make music!!

You can start to make music with out knowing a thing about notes and sharps and flats and semi-codas.

Click on the link below to get the basics and view a 10 minute video that will have you playing right away!!

Adult First Lesson "The Basics"

Once you know the basics.....

You will do well to begin to explore many of the other lessons and videos on the site to learn every thing you can about how to read music,  as well as the lessons on musical scales, piano chords, and chord progressions.

Just about everything you need to know to teach yourself piano can be found on the site free of charge and you can always contact me with your questions if you need additional help.

If you are interested in a great home study course I can recommend both Rocket Piano for absolute beginners on a budget and Hear and Play which offers a more advanced approach to playing by ear.

Welcome to the wonderful world of music!

Best Home Study for "Ear Players"

After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.

Contact me

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.

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