Choosing digital pianos made easy!!

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Digital Pianos can be an attractive alternative to the traditional acoustic piano for a number of reasons.

Price, size, and the fact that there are no expensive tunings needed are just a few of the reasons people consider the digital piano option. We will discuss the many features available on digital pianos and how to make the most of them.

You will find lots of information on most of the models available to help you decide what instrument might be right for you.

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A little background on myself...

Early in my musical career I studied and worked as a registered piano tuner and technician. This was before the digital age.

I have had a life long love affair with the piano and there is still nothing like the feeling of sitting at and playing a well tuned and finely maintained acoustic grand piano.

I still love the traditional Grand Piano but the size and cost can make them difficult for many people to own and maintain.

Enter the Digital Piano!

Later on in my career I worked for almost all of the manufactures of digital pianos either as a product representative or in research and development.

It is my hope that my experience in this industry will help you cut through the noise and chatter and choose the best instrument for you!

The Benefits

88 note weighted Keyboard

Perhaps the number one reason to choose a digital piano is the size and feel of the keyboard itself. Those who are interested primarily in learning traditional piano will want to have a keyboard that has 88 keys like a traditional piano keyboard.

Most all digital pianos include an 88 note keyboard.

While most portable keyboards have plastic keys that use springs to return the keys after striking, the best digital keyboards will have wooden keys that use a counter weight , like a piano, to return the keys.

The more experience you have playing on an traditional piano, the better you will be able to determine if the feel of the keys is close to "realistic".

Never needs tuning!

This is a big one as the cost of tuning a piano continues to rise. Depending on the tuner and area of the country you live in tunings range from $80.00 to $200.00 and are generally needed once a year at a minimum to maintain the sound and integrity of the pin block that hold the tuning pins of a traditional piano.


While most digital pianos are not designed to be moved about regularly like portable keyboards, they are generally considerably easier to move than a traditional piano.

While working in a lot of retail showrooms I have personally assembled and dissembled hundreds of these. While in some instances it was possible to do it myself but most often in is a two man job to place the keyboard unit atop what ever stand has been provided.


It is a great advantage and also entertaining for a student to be able to listen back to a particular performance. Most digital pianos sold today include some sort of basic digital recording ability.


The ability to connect to computers and other digital instruments comes standard on just about all digital keyboard instruments. If you are a parent considering an instrument for an aspiring child than this feature is a must. There are hundreds of great programs offered to enhance the learning experience and make playing and learning and creating fun!!

In Conclusion....

In these pages you will find reviews of many of the best instruments on the market. You may also find that prices may be a little less expensive on the internet.

However I would advise that you find a local dealership and actually sit at the instrument you are considering purchasing.

In my experience it is usually better to pay a little more and get the service and satisfaction that can only be provided by local retailers. It would be like buying a car without a test drive.

Most retailers will have knowledgeable staff to help you get the most out of your instrument after the sale.

For the best deals I could find online Check out my Personal Piano Professor Picks on entry level Digital Pianos. These picks offer the most bang for the buck for beginners.

Most Bang for the buck on Digital Pianos

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Kawai CN33 digital piano review

Roland Digital piano HP 207 and HP 307

Casio Digital Piano Model AP620

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