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My goal is to help you reach yours!!
Exactly what can you expect from your Personal Piano Professor?
I have helped literally thousands of students of all ages to learn to play. The one thing I have learned in over 30 years of teaching is that no two students are exactly alike.
We all have different goals
My question for you is...
Just what do you want to accomplish?
Do you want to play just for your own amusement?
Would you like to entertain others?
Would you like to play in a band someday or perhaps you already do!?
Whatever your goal may be let me know.As your Personal Piano Professor I can help!
What kind of instrument do you own?
Let me know the make and model of your portable keyboard, digital piano, workstation or piano. I can help you get the most out of whatever features your keyboard may have in order to make your learning that much more interesting and fun.
How about your age and skill level?
Are you a complete beginner?
Know a few chords?
Want more advanced studies including improvisation and chord substitution?
As your Personal Piano Professor I can help!What style of music would you like to play?
Country? Rock? Jazz? Standards? Contemporary Christian? Popular?
Let me know and I can use your favorite songs as teaching aids.
Help me help you!!
The more information you can give me the better I will be able to work together with you to make learning fast and fun. Register today by filling in the form below and get started now. What have you got to loose? These personal lessons are absolutely free!
As your Personal Piano Professor I can help!From Personal Piano Professor to free piano lessons HOME PAGE
Free adult piano lessons.
By filling in the form above you will receive a personal password which will allow you to access your individual beginner adult piano lessons.
Lesson One.
Designed for the absolute beginner, this lesson will teach you the proper way to sit at the piano or keyboard, the correct had position, how to number your fingers and find your way around the keyboard. If you already have a password you can click the link below to view this lesson.
Adult piano lessons, Lesson 1.
Best Home Study for "Ear Players"
After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.
Contact me
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.