Learn the basics of piano theory for a solid foundation.

All the basic skills and understanding required to have a solid foundation in piano theory while learning to play piano.

When I arrived as a freshman at Berklee College of Music in Boston Mass. I knew a little about piano and music theory from my high school studies and early piano lessons.

I really wanted to be a "professional musician" and the program at Berklee was geared toward giving me the fundamentals I would need to pursue that goal.

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When I arrived as a freshman at Berklee College of Music in Boston Mass. I knew a little about piano and music theory from my high school studies and early piano lessons.

I really wanted to be a "professional musician" and the program at Berklee was geared toward giving me the fundamentals I would need to pursue that goal.

They stressed the importance of understanding the music scales and chords that are fundamental to creating music on piano or electronic keyboard.

Learning the fundamentals of piano theory made a big difference in my playing!

I paid thousands of dollars for that valuable understanding and my desire is to give it to you free of charge!

If you bookmark this site and come back often you will learn all you need to know about the different scales used in making music on piano.

Once you understand the major scale you are ready to get into the study of the piano chords that are derived from that fundamental scale.

Remember to use your.. Personal Piano Professor. That's ME! Once again don't be shy. Use the contact form below to ask any question you need to help you along the way!!

Take some time now to explore the piano theory links below. They are arranged in a logical order starting with learning layout of the piano keys.

Best Home Study for "Ear Players"

After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.

How to play piano.

Start here and learn the basics of how to sit at the piano and how to use proper hand position as well as basic fingering tips.

How to play piano and basic fingering

Keyboard Layout

Learn to locate and play any note on the piano keyboard. See piano keyboard layout and piano key chart.

piano keyboard layout

Understanding musical intervals.

This lesson on musical intervals will teach you to recognize and understand how intervals, the distance between two notes, are used in both melodies and chords on piano.

Learn about musical intervals here

Understanding Music Scales and the 12 Major Scales

If you can name the notes on the keyboard continue on to part one of understanding music piano scales which deals with the concept of whole and half steps by clicking the link below.

Understanding Major Scales

Understanding music scales and the major scale, part two

Contains the simple formula to figure out all 12 major scales, a list of the notes in every major scale, and lays the foundation for the study of piano and electronic keyboard chords.

Understanding the major scale, part two

Transposing Music

Learn how to easily transpose simple chord progressions and melodies to different keys for performance.

Transposing Music

Minor Scales

Click the link below for a lesson and video on learning and using the various minor scales.

Learning the Minor Scales

The pentatonic scale.

Learn about this widely used improvisation scale and add a new dimension to you playing by clicking the link below

Learn the pentatonic scales and how to use them!

The Minor Pentatonic Scale.

Like the major pentatonic scale. the minor pentatonic is extremly useful when improvising. See video and learn by clicking the link below.

learn the Minor Pentatonic Scale

Pentatonic Scale Patterns.

Check out this great lesson on how to use basic piano pentatonic scale patterns to create interesting melodies and sols on keyboards.

Pentatonic Scale Patterns for Piano

The Blues Scale.

This lesson on the basic blues scale will give you the basic scale formula to be able to improvise over blues, rock, country and jazz songs. Clink the link below to begin.

Learn the Blues Scale here...

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The Best Home Study Course for Learning Jazz and Blues Piano

Have you always wanted to learn to play jazz & blues on the piano but never had the time or money?

Or couldn't find the right person or course to teach you the "real" stuff?

If so, I've definitely found someone who can help you.

I'm talking about James Wrubel, an amazing musician and expert instructor. He's been there and back as a professional jazz musician and has played with some of the top names in the industry.

In two dvds and over 2 hours of step-by-step instruction, he takes you by the hand and shows you how to master tons of jazz & blues tricks and techniques as well as signature soloing secrets that'll have you sounding like you've been playing for years.

Here's some highlights.

Discover: * How to quickly and easily form tons of chord patterns and runs that'll have you sounding pro almost overnight.

* How to accelerate your jazz learning curve by combining 3 secret elements pros don't want you to know!

* How to pack every chord and voicing with just the right amount of flavor to get the job done.

* 7 secrets to playing signature solos without hesitation or even thinking about anything.

* And much more.

Check out the ink below for more information on this great program

Hear and play Jazz 101

Contact me

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.

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