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Keyboard workstations will vary in features but will all have the common ability to record and edit complete musical compositions. If you are a serious keyboard player and are also interested in performing live and having the ability to create you own original music than you will want to consider exploring the many models that are currently available
All keyboard workstations will have some sort of back lit screen that allows you to see the different functions of the keyboard.
As the screens on workstation are one of the more costly components, generally speaking the more you spend the better this important user interface will be.
The keyboard, like on all keyboard instruments, is a playable interface.They all look the same, black and white keys, but will vary in length and feel.
You will find the standard keyboard sizes to be either 61 keys, 76 keys or the the standard piano 88 keys. Some will be spring actions and others will simulate the piano action with weighted keys for piano purists.
Workstations all contain some sort of sound generation source that use digital algorithms to reproduce various numerous musical instruments and other sound effects.
Since workstations are among the latest generation of electronic keyboards and on the high end of the price range you will find that in general the sounds will be quite good.
Most keyboard workstations will have a combination of sampled (digitally recorded) and synthesized sounds and some high end models will have the ability for your to record, or sample your own sounds and play them back on the keyboard.
Most people purchase a workstation for its power as a sequencer. A sequencer is a program that allows you to record, edit, and perform multiple tracks of music using a single piece of gear. For example,you can lay down drum tracks , then bass, then horns, until an entire song is recorded using only a single piece of gear.
How to Use: Keyboard workstations can be used a variety of ways. At home they can be the heart of a complete home recording studio.
If you are a performing keyboard artist/ performer they are really great! First of all they are portable. No need to carry a computer around to gigs.
You can perform as a solo act adding the back up band members to make a full sound and still leave you to play along with the sound of an entire orchestra.
You can use the recorded sequences to add to any combination of live musicians from a duo on up by eliminating the tracks that will be played live and let the musicians do their thing while playing along.
Many of the better workstations even have vocal harmonizers that will add great sounding back up vocals to your voice.
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After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.
Work Station, Synthesizer and Keyboard deals from Amazon
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Keyboard Workstation Reviews:
Korg PA2X pro arranger keyboard review
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Hi form Norway. Being close to pensjon age, I traded my Tyros2 and My dear 500 Kawasaki mc for a brand New PA3X/76. I have notised that most of …
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