Learning Piano Chords

This lesson on learning piano chords will present to you an overview of the best and most thorough way to get a hold of what it will take to totally understand and to play piano chords.

If you aspire to play piano or keyboards by ear, play keyboards in a band, play for your church, or if you are an aspiring songwriter this overview will put you on the path to becoming an expert on learning piano chord theory and applying that knowledge to the keyboard.

In the video lesson below I will take you one by one through the steps that I took and that you will need to take to be able to sit down at the piano and play by ear just about any popular song you hear.

Sure, it will require some mental work. There is certain vocabulary and piano theory that requires a bit of memorization.

It will also require some physical work is well. That is you will need to spend time on certain chord exercises to develop the muscle memory required to move smoothly and with confidence from chord to chord.

Having said that, It is not rocket science. With a little time and practice, by following the steps outlined in the video below you will open yourself up to an new world of understanding and develop these Play by Ear skills.

Learning Piano Chords outline

In the video you will learn an overview of 7 areas of focus.

1. The layout and names of the keys on the keyboard

2. Musical intervals

3. The major scale formula

4. Chord formulas based on the major scale

5. 3 and 4 part chords and how to practice them

6 Chord inversions and arpeggios

7. Basic chord progressions and how to practice them.

Once you finish the video you can use the links below the video to go further in depth on each subject covered.

Learning Piano Chords related links.

Piano Keyboard Layout

Half Steps, Whole Steps and the Major Scale

Piano Intervals

Major Chords

All The Chord Formulas

Chord Inversions

Diatonic Chords and the Number System

Chord Progressions and the Circle of Fifths

Common Chord Progressions

Dear Fellow Musician,

What if you could pop a CD into your home or carstereo and learn everything you needed to know to start playing beautiful chords on the piano? 

I'm talking about all the same chords used to play practically every popular song out there! Theones you grew up listening to... the songs you now enjoy... classic holiday tunes... even yourkids' favorite songs... and more!

What if you could learn all the chords that makeup those songs in just an hour or so? Would you be excited? 

My good friend Jermaine Griggs over at Hearand Play Music is going to reveal an approachthat allows you to learn anywhere: at your piano,in your car, on your ipod® while at the gym ---ANYWHERE!

So, if you have a CD player and two hours tospare, then you have what it takes to startmastering chords by ear.

Read the rest of this story at: Best Piano Chord system

All the best, Greg...personal piano professor

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