Hard Times piano tutorial

The Genius Sings the Blues is an album by Ray Charles, released in October 1961 on Atlantic Records. The album was his last release for Atlantic, compiling twelve blues songs from various sessions during his tenure for the label. The album showcases Charles's stylistic development with a combination of piano bluesjazz, and southern R&B. Hard Times is one track from this album

I am providing for you the Chord Changes in Eb,( Rays Key ) and also in Cmaj. You can right click on the charts and save as jpeg to print later. There is also a tutorial video showing the basic changes and some improvisation suggestions.

The key on the Ray Charles version of Hard times is Eb

Special Offer: As of 5/2/2016 If You purchase Song Tutor through this site and contact me via email, I will send you the midi file for this song to use with your software free of charge! I will also continue to send midi files for upcoming lessons if you request them.

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