Mighty to save Tutorial

Gospel Music Training Center

A gospel music gift is a horrible thing to waste...

Are you an aspiring or working gospel musician who desires to finally take your piano or organ playing to the next level once and for all?

Do you feel like the chords you learned years ago are no longer adequate to keep up with where gospel music has gone? Do you want to learn more advanced and contemporary ways to approach songs?

Would you like to improve your hymns, worship, praise songs, shouting music, and CCM playing?

If you can answer YES to any of these questions, we would like to invite you to take an online tour of The Gospel Music Training Center.

Founded by HearandPlay.com, the world-renowned Gospel Music Training Center is the longest-running training platform online (since August 2000) and has helped tens of thousands of gospel musicians cultivate, unlock, and skyrocket the musical gifts and talents God has given them! And you can be next!

We're the same company that brought you the first-ever Jason White & Mike Bereal dvds and have featured a host of renowned gospel musicians like Eddie Brown and David Jackson on our courses and broadcasts.

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Gospel Music Training Center

"Mighty to Save" is a contemporary Christian gospel and worship song written by Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan.

 The rights to the song are registered for Hillsong Publishing. The song has been adopted as an occasional song of worship by many Evangelical churches.

The lyrics praise the might of Jesus as "The Hope of the Nation" and "Author of Salvation" and that he can move the mountains and that he conquered the grave (referring to his Resurrection). The bridge repeats the faith in him as Saviour:

"Mighty To Save"

Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me

Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Saviour
The hope of nations

Saviour he can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Forever author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again

I give my life to follow
Everything i believe in
Now i surrender

[Chorus 2x]

Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing for the glory of the risen king Jesus [2x]

"Mighty to Save" tutorial for keyboard

Mighty to Save is a fairly simple tune when it comes to the chord progressions.

Once you learn this common progression you will see it appear in lots of pop songs and Christian worship music.

All the chords are diatonic to the key. IV I VI V.. or 4-1-6-5 in the key of C the chords used are F- C- Am- and G.

There are three sections.

Intro and verse...F / C /Am / G

Chorus:  C / G / F -C / Am - G /

Bridge:  F- G / C  /

Check out the video tutorial below to see the arrangement on the keyboard and get some playing tips..

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Dear Fellow Musician,

What if you could lock yourself in a room and get 4.5 hours of
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Well, you're definitely in luck! Because I've found a resource
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You'll get the opportunity to learn flavorful approaches,
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good, although you'll get dozens upon dozens of chords and will
certainly sound 10 times better after devouring this course.
This is deeper than that though.

To learn more, click the link below:

                                Gospel Keys Ministry

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