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Free Piano Lessons for Life.

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Thank you for visiting piano lessons for life. I sincerely hope you will find the help you want learning to play the piano and keyboards.

This site is geared toward adults that want to learn to play quickly and for those who want to learn to play by ear. 

It may also be a great place for those of you who have some skills but may be looking for new tricks and techniques to enhance your playing and creativity.

If you are a beginner, my heart is with you.

I know from a lifetime affair with music and the piano, the many benefits that learning to play can offer.

I have seen peoples lives change in positive ways as a result of learning to play and I hope these free piano lessons will do the same for you!

Playing for fun and relaxation is where a positive experience begins. Playing piano can start at any age, young or old!

If you have never played before or are just beginning you will want to go right to this free lesson which is designed to show you that music is not on a page but in your heart and mind.

First Adult Piano Lesson

Want to play by ear?

This is a teachable skill! If you want to play piano by ear this site will guide you toward ear training so that you can hear a song and in a short time transfer what you hear to the piano keyboard.

These free piano lessons will truly help.

Want to accompany yourself or others?

You can learn all the skills necessary to enjoy playing great sounding accompaniments for your self or others without having to learn complicated sheet music.

Want to play keyboards in a band?

You can and will learn the difference between playing solo piano and playing piano or electronic keyboards in the context of a band. These are two entirely different approaches to playing keyboard instruments.

These Free Piano Lessons will get you there!

Aspiring songwriter??

This site could prove to be extreamly helpful in learning the common chord progressions that are used in songwriting.

Need a piano or electronic keyboard?

If you own or are considering the purchase of an electronic keyboard, workstation, acoustic or digital piano I can guide you not only in the selection process but most importantly in how to use the amazing features now available to musicians in this digital age.

How do you use this site?

First of all take a moment and subscribe to this site by clicking on the orange RSS button or one of the other feed services.

Doing this will insure that you recieve regular updates to all the valuable material added daily to this site.

If you explore the navigation bar you can learn all the basics you will need to know about the use of the piano scales and common chord progressions most commonly used in playing songs on the keyboard.

The basics of reading professional Fake Book music are covered in the musical notation section.

You will find extensive reviews of the best selling electronic keyboards, digital pianos and professional keyboard workstations as well as tips on how to make the most of the features available on your instrument.

New articles and lessons are added weekly so bookmark this site and come back often. Explore this site, and if you want a more personal approach make use of me as your....

Personal piano professor!

If you can see it, then you can be it!!

Dear Fellow Musician,

What if you could lock yourself in a room and get 4.5 hours of
ministry-focused instruction from the man behind many of your
favorite gospel albums?

Would that excite you?

Well, you're definitely in luck! Because I've found a resource
that'll uncover tons of contemporary gospel secrets from one of
the baddest gospel musicians in the industry today, Mr. Jason

You'll get the opportunity to learn flavorful approaches,
chords, movements, patterns, "licks & tricks," and real songs
from Jason White, but not only that...

You'll learn the music ministry side of things too. This isn't
just for someone who wants to steal a bunch of chords and sound
good, although you'll get dozens upon dozens of chords and will
certainly sound 10 times better after devouring this course.
This is deeper than that though.

To learn more, click the link below:

                                Gospel Keys Ministry

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If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.

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Free Piano Lessons Blog
The free piano lessons blog will keep you up to date with all the new tips, tricks, and lessons as soon as they are available on the free-piano-lessons-for website.
free piano lessons from your Personal Piano Professor
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Play Piano by Ear. You can if you start now!
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Free How to Read Music lessons
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Understanding Piano Chords and how to use them.
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Learn Gospel Piano and Praise Music.
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Why Piano Lessons for Children are a great idea
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Find free music writing software and read reviews.
Find free music writing software and read user reviews on available songwriting and music education software. You will find links to available free software sites as well as information on other help
Find the keyboard instruments that are right for you!
If you are thinking about the purchase of keyboard instruments you have come to the right place. With the development of electronic keyboards, digital pianos, and keyboard workstations, th
Choosing digital pianos is made easy with this buyers guide.
Digital pianos can be an attractive alternative to the traditional acoustic piano for a number of reasons. Price, size, and the fact that there are no expensive tunings needed are just a few of thier
About Keyboard Workstations, and how they work
Keyboard workstations will vary in features but will all have the common ability to record and edit complete musical compositions.
Arranger Keyboard overview
What is an arranger keyboard and why should I consider one? Questions answered here!
Digital Piano reviews by users
Read and write digital piano reviews and electronic keyboard reviews. Many of the most popular and best selling keyboard instruments are reviewed by users.
Online piano lessons, the best websites.
Find inks to all the best sites offering online piano lessons for all ages and levels. You will find the most effective and fastest systems to learn piano. You will also find links to great free music
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Understanding music scales and the major scale part two
Learning the 12 major scales becomes easy once you understand whole steps and half steps. In this pare of our lesson on music scales we will learn a simple formula that you can use to figure out a maj
How to Form a Band, some things to consider
Learning how to form a band is not so hard if you consider a few important things before starting.
Contact me. Personal Piano Professor
Contact me at Free Piano Lessons for
Who is your Personal Piano Professor
I've loved music ever since I was a child. That was a long time ago.
Build a Free Piano Lesson Website with SBI
With the help of Site Build It! I built this piano lesson website based on my passion for teaching and piano.
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