Piano Songs "I offer My life" by Don Moen
Using this popular Worship Song by Don Moen we will be solidifying what we have learned about common chord progressions, voice leading, ear training, and modulation to a different key also called transposing.
Piano Songs "I offer My life" by Don Moen
My goal with this lesson is to re-enforce and demonstrate some piano theory concepts as well as your ear using this very popular worship song.
If you are a keyboard player in a worship band at church or just interested in playing worship song as a solo pianist you will find this lesson and the videos helpful.
Ear Training
The first thing you will need to do to get the most from this lesson is to listen to a version of I offer my life so that you can pick out the melody at least.
As this site is geared toward traing your ear as an important part of your musicianship taking the time to pick out the melody and the basic key of the song will help you to develop this critical skill.
(HINT) Listen closely to the root or bass motion most often payed by the Bass Guitar. It will help you with finding the chords being used.
There are many versions of the song on the web such as the one below.
The Chords
In this song the chorus is played in two different keys, F major and G major. It may be helpful to you to review the lesson on Diatonic Chords which is very useful and important information to digest.
The song uses the I , IIm, IIIm, IV and V chords in both those keys with a modulation in the release (or bridge) to the key of Ab.
Note: I have heard many live versions that leave out the bridge which I did not include in the chord chart below. It is mentioned in the video.
To keep it simple in the arrangement below we will be dealing with the verse and repeating chorus of the song.
In live performance in a worship setting many times the worship leader will signal a particular verse or chorus to play again depending on his leading.
Knowing the progression for the verse or chorus will help you to make those on the fly transitions.
This song uses all diatonic chords in the key of F major and G major. Diatonic chords are those chords directly related to a particular key with the I, IV and V chords being major, the II, III, and VI chords being minor and the VII chord being diminished.
The Chorus is a variation on the I, vi, ii V progression which is very common in lots of music.
You may want to review the lesson on piano chord progressions for more insight on this widely used progression and some great exercises that will help you transition from chord to chord.
New Concept Modulation
A modulation happens when the song changes from one Key to another. In the example on the chord chart the song modulates after the first chorus from the Key of F major to the Key of G major.
In the video version there is modulation to the key Eb after the first chorus before going to the key of G major for the last choruses.
Modulations are used to add variety, interest and to add emotional impact to a song.
Many piano students spend too much TIME learning how to play
the piano and not enough time PLAYING THE PIANO!
Years upon years of studying various techniques, music theory,
and 'level' after 'level. It makes piano teachers a lot of
money but learning music doesn't have to be that way.
If you want to start playing ALL of your favorite hymns and
congregational songs by ear right away, I've definitely found
something that's going to help you do just that.
Jermaine Griggs,the pioneer of the award-winning Gospel Keys
learning system, has come up with 3 simple steps to playing
gospel music so you won't waste any time at all.
In fact, it'll virtually cut your learning time in half! I
copied and pasted the most important parts below so you can get
a general idea.
Step One: Determining the Melody
Step Two: Harmonizing the Melody
Step Three: Adding the Bass
These three steps are not super complicated theories that
require several years of experience. In fact, they were designed
for the total beginner with absolutely no musical experience.
What most people don't understand is that most songs follow
patterns. If you've been mistakenly learning songs, one by one,
you're only exercising your ability to MEMORIZE chords --- and
that's exactly why it takes SO LONG to learn just one song.
If you concentrate on LEARNING PATTERNS, you'll never go wrong
because songs are built on repeating patterns. You should NEVER
EVER have to memorize over 100 songs when they all share the
Click here for more information: Hear and play Gospel
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