In this Korg PA3x 76 review I am going to go over some of the amazing features that convinced me that it was the keyboard for me.
I have had the keyboard for a couple of months as of this writing and by no means am I an expert on using all the available technology and, quite frankly, I would rather be playing it right now but I promised visitors to this site to let them know when I got one!!
I wanted one ever since Korg came out with the PA2x which I got to check out briefly at a store. You can read that review here. PAx professional arranger review.
I've got to tell you I have been in love since I opened the box. Everything I expected and more.
I am going to briefly go over some of the features that that convinced me as a working musician and songwriter / arranger to hold out for the 3x.
I bought the keyboard online having never even played it. I have a long relationship with Korg that goes back to the Poly 6 and have followed them as one of the top professional keyboard manufacturers.
I watched a few you tube videos (thanks to all that contribute) and decide to go for it.
If you want all the specs go to to the official Korg Site. My aim is to let you know personally how it looks, feels and sounds and how I use the features to make my music.
I also will be adding lots of lessons on how to use the features of arranger keyboards in general so check back no matter what make and model of arranger you may have.
Korg PA3x update!!
I have had my Korg PA3x over a year now. I use it both for recording and live performance with a working Duo called "The Good Life Band".
I am still just scratching the surface of this instruments capabilities but I am loving everything so far.
I've worked out over a hundred songs for my gig and even recorded an entire CD for a local songwriter.
Nothing beats hearing. Listen to the Korg Pa3X Live.
Back to the Korg PA3x 76 review...
If you own a 2x and are thinking of upgrading or if you are considering buying a 2x I can save you a little time by giving you the major differences. Things available only on the 3x...
- 24 oscillators per sound
- extra DNC features like 2 groups of circle (1 & 2) where a wave sequencing can be achieved , legato Up & Down as function as supplement to legato function.
- Lossless sample Compression of 512 Mb to fit at 256 ram expansion , which means double memory (so keep your compatible Ram).
MAXXAudio features are great.
The TC vocal harmonizer is outstanding - many more features.
The PA3X has much greater capacity for storing styles.
New styles are well up to Korg's great standard.
Mute & select buttons for the UPPER/LOWER parts (real-time track select).
PAD buttons now toggle on & off
Quick chord record is great (chord sequencer).
Faster loading time (battery for standby). The battery in some of the units, mine included is dis-functional and you need to order a replacement from Korg which they will supply at no cost.. (Not nesessary but speeds up loading time.)
Auto-fill option is a bonus
- ST-BY Ram battery with result of 90 sec booting time even with 512 Mb compressed user samples.
- Though Pa3X DAC chipset seems similar to Pa2X , output filtering designing makes the difference in sound clarity that is outstanding !
- Max audio with two important features , multi band parametric equalizer and global gain control that can be saved as preset !
- Overall mechanical structure is more qualitative than Pa2X Pro
- 76/61 versions key bed (Hard Drive only on 76 note version)
-Though Pa3X is an arranger KB , it's the most advanced sampler in the market especially for sound development !
PS I love the matt black and aluminium finish looks pretty cool as well. Very solidly built for the road.
KORG Pa3X 76-Key Professional Arranger Workstation + Double X-Style Keyboard Stand, HARX300 Full-Size Stereo Headphones & Keyboard Dust CoverKorg PA3x 76 review.... Overall sound.
After I got the keyboard set up and booted up I sat down to play with a pair of headphones and was blown away with the quality and clarity of the sounds.
Excellent piano, organ, strings brass etc. and the DNC digital nuance control features on some of the sounds take keyboard expression to a new level.
I have been fixated on the Jazz sax sound for a while learning to get the joystick and button technique down.
The keys feel great and are very responsive. And this is my first 76 note keyboard. Nice to have the extra notes for arpeggios and more complicated piano pieces.
Korg PA3x 765 review.. Versatility
The PA3x is far and away the most versatile keyboard I have ever owned. Not saying that it is the most versatile keyboard in the world but it does every thing I want, need and much more than I expected.
I write music, sing, record music and perform live and I can do it all on one inspiring instrument.
Right now I am recording my song list for live performance and distribution and I can choose from hundreds of usable slick styles and lay down a full arrangement in one pass using the backing track feature on the sequencer.
I can then go back and add tracks, tweak the sound with full effects and eq but it does not stop there.
I can then make an MP3 recording complete with vocal and harmonies thanks to the awesome TC Helicon vocal processor.
For live performance I can play most songs on the fly with the easily accessible styles, fill-ins, endings and intros etc.
There are still features I have yet to discover and make use of.
Korg PA3x 76 review... Ease of use.
Having been a demonstrator for Korg, Roland Yamaha and others I was able to get a lot of music out of the instrument with out even looking at the manual.
The keyboard comes with a tutorial video disk and a quick start guide. the full manual is available free as a download from Korg
I have to say however that for a lot of people the keyboard may seem a bit complex
Basically, the complexity is tripled over most arrangers, because not only do you get a complex top oft the line arranger, you get a top of the line synth programming section, with far more options and complexity than most arrangers.
Basically, you get a full Triton plus DNC voice architecture (it's not quite up to Kronos depth, but it is virtually a Triton with extras), then you get a FULL sampler, virtually no programming shortcuts compared to other Korg samplers.
Add to that a FULL Songbook function and multiple voice and Performance storage options, and basically, this is as complex a keyboard as any top of the line work station.
If you want to get the most out of the PA3x, and are coming from Roland or Yamaha, you certainly have a steep learning curve to deal with.
Add to that, and many of the Korg's functions and nomenclature is quite different from Roland and Yamaha, and many of the ease of use functions (especially from Roland) are missing or less effective. It's almost like starting from scratch for many things.
It can do a LOT, but that flexibility comes at the price of formidable complexity. Use it at its most basic, and yes, you can probably grasp it fairly quickly. But if you want to avail yourself of everything it can do, be prepared to shed for months!
Gotta go...Got a date with my new love...The Korg PA3x.
I have been busy adding hints and tutorials that will help anyone who has a PA3x or any arranger keyboard. Explore the links below:
Korg PA3x Quick record tutorial
Contact me
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.
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