"New Revolutionary Software Makes Learning Songs Easier and Faster Than Ever Before!"
Many of my student at all levels and benefiting and praising this new internet based software which allows them to see, hear, and play any song from the internet in any key and at a comfortable learning speed.
The All-New Song Tutor: Internet-Powered Song Learning Software
In this Korg PA3x Quick Record tutorial you will learn how to choose patterns, and quickly record arrangements of your favorite songs and store them to the internal songbook for easy access.
There is a lot to learn once you get into playing with the Korg Pa3x arranger keyboard.
I have owned mine almost a year and still I am just scratching the surface of all the features.
The first thing I wanted to do is take all the songs in my head and get them recorded as fast as possible so I could start to play gigs with the PA3x.
The process below will allow you to make great sounding, fast arrangements while you are learning to go deeper into the great features on this keyboard.
Step One: Choose a Pattern
The first thing you will want to do is explore all the great usable, and not so usable musical patterns the keyboard has to offer.
You can use the touch screen by just touching the pattern name window in the top left or you can use the hard buttons located in the Style section on the left of the keyboard.
Either method will gain you access to the style selection screen and you will see categories selection to the left and right on the screen and pages along the bottom.
(see the video below)
Pattern Introductions:
Each musical style on the Korg PA3x comes with three choices for an introduction.
Intro 1, is always a longer prearranged musical intro that often, but not always fits with that particular musical style. ( some are better than others...you decide if it fits for your song.)
Intro 2, is generally a little shorter with no preset chords allowing you to use your own creativity to create a usable intro to your song.
Intro 3, Is always some sort of one measure count it.
Pattern Variations:
Each musical style has 4 variation buttons 1- 4. From left to right the variations become more and more active or busy. They are arranged that way to build your song in intensity as it progresses. (In my opinion less is more.)
Each musical style also comes with 4 nice fill ins to use between sections and phrases in you song.
The fill ins can be linked to the variations so that when you change variations the appropriate fill in will play by using the auto fill in button just to the right of the style select section
Using the Quick Record function.
Once you have decided on a usable musical style, into, and first variation and have all those selections made. ( buttons lit), you are ready to enter the sequencer section of the PA3x.
Choose sequencer from the MODE section to the right of the sliders and then hold down shift ( bottom right of screen section) and touch the record button ( lowest button to the left of the screen ).
As soon as you choose Quick Record from the window you will be ready to start recording.
You can get a lot of support including the latest operating system, downloadable manuals and lots of free musical styles by going to this Korg Support page.
Quick record hints:
The idea with quick record is to record you songs chord progression in real time while adding fill ins a variation changes.
This can take a little practice. I usually take the keyboard out of split mode so I can play the chords with my right hand leaving my left hand free to press fill ins and variation changes.
You can always fix mistakes later using step mode if you need to add or delete a change in variation of fill in.
The video below will visually guide you through the entire process of recording and saving you song to the song book for performance.
I've been making money very week with my Korg PA3x keyboard and the more I use it the more I like it. You can hear some of my live performances with "The Good Life Band". A lot of these arrangements used the quick record feature on the keyboard.
Contact me
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.
Best Home Study for "Ear Players"
After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.
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