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This Rocket Piano Review focuses on the features and benefits contained in this very popular adult piano home learning course.
When my students asked me to take a look and various adult piano learning methods I chose Rocket Piano to review first and to be truthful my first reason was the price.
Minimum investment.
Many requests came from people that were not sure if they would take to piano lessons and did not want to invest an arm and a leg to find out.
At 39.95 it came in as the lowest cost online piano course I could find on the web.
I currently charge 40.00 an hour for private piano lessons so the whole course is just the cost of one private lesson! Hard to argue with that kind of value.
The purchase was secure and easy and the down loading of material went without a hitch.
The other thing about Rocket Piano is that I have seen them on the internet for years and if a program stays around that long they must be doing something right. Over 80,000 users is what I found out.
The Purchase was easy and secure and the download went without a hitch.
Rocket Piano Review.. Getting started.
Once I got logged in and set up I found that the program consisted of several lesson books that ranged from beginner to advanced so the program will take you a while to get through.
There were also couple of neat books for those looking into getting started with jazz and gospel piano styles.
In additions to the written material I found lots of audio tracks, play along tracks, instructional videos and some interesting and useful software applications.
Although I have no need for the printed hard copies of the material, I do like the idea of having them available.
There will be times when it is much easire to have the material in form of you on the music rack rather than the computer screen.
Rocket Piano Review cont...
When you first log into the welcome screen there is a lot to choose from. You can sample ebooks, software, and audio and video lessons.
If you are a real beginner you may want to click on the Starter Course Link and start there.
These six beginner lessons cover all the basics of piano technique and will get you pointed in the right direction with how to use the many features and resources available in the program.
In the first of these lessons you will learn basic fingerings and the start of musical notation.
Take you time with the lessons. Learning to play is not a horse race!
After you finish the first lesson you can go back to the home page and watch the first couple of video lessons in which Ruth Searle reviews the material you have just covered.
You may also want to provide feedback using the form at the end of the lesson. I believe that the folks at Rocket Piano are interested in making improvements based on student feedback.
Once you get through the first lessons you will want to explore the other ebooks as well as the audio and video supplements.
There are also a variety of play along jam tracks covering different popular songs that are actually a lot of fun.
You can also install a few different software programs that I am sure will be helpful for those interested in improving your reading skills.
Rocket Piano Review. Software programs.
Jayde Musica (http://www.jaydemusica.com) is a fairly simple and intuitive note-learning game.
It will help you with learning the notes on the treble, bass, and alto clefs at various levels of difficulty. You identify the correct pitch name from a list on the bottom of the window.
This program comes in two flavors, play online or down load a free version. the free version has ads but if you like it you can register and make a small contribution that will add features like sound and remove the advertisements.
Students that register with Rocket Piano receive the registered version.
Perfect Your Pitch Pro.
This is a software game that trains you to recognize pitch by its sound. The concept of the game is simple.
You begin at a very basic level. You hear a pitch sequence of four notes. You then select the correct sequence to match what you hear from a series of options.
You receive up to ten points for a correct response, and must complete a level successfully before you are allowed to continue on to a new level.
As you progress through the game’s levels, the pitch sequences become more complex.
Rocket Piano Review. Additional software
This program helps you to recognize different chord types notated in close position in the bass clef.
You can test yourself on any combination of triad types, seventh chords, and added sixth chords.
This software will help you to develop your chord recognition skills.
Although it is very helpful it would be nice if you could play back the chords and turn the sound effects off and on.
A bit more advanced that Chordinator this program allows you to choose the correct keyboard diagram which matches the the notated chord.
You can customize which chord-types you wish to work on. Again, I wish you could hear the chords I was being tested on.
Nevertheless, a solid program for the beginner piano player who is working on their understanding of chords.
Rocket Piano Metronome
When I launched the program I was quite tickled discover it was a simulation of an old style wind-up metronome, complete with swinging pendulum and authentic sound.
You can control the tempo with a slider, and like a traditional metronome you can set it by beats per minute, or a more general tempo indication like allegro, or moderato.
This tool is great for its simplicity and function. No piano practice room is complete without a metronome, and this one is a good choice.
Rocket Piano Review. Conclusion
At a truly affordable price Rocket Piano deserves its reputation as one of the better online piano programs. If you are an adult piano student either at a beginner level or wanting to dust off some rusty technique, you should seriously consider this self teaching program.
Visit the Rocket Piano website here
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