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You can play I Can Only Imagine on Piano!
MercyMe is a contemporary Christian group, and this song was written by their lead singer Bart Millard. In this song, Millard imagines what it will be like meeting Jesus for the first time.
This song is easy to learn and like so many others can be played using three basic chords.
My goal once again with this lesson is to re-enforce and demonstrate some piano theory concepts as well as help train your ear using this very popular worship song.
If you are a keyboard player in a worship band at church or just interested in playing worship song as a solo pianist you will find this lesson and the videos helpful.
Get ready to play I Can Only Imagine on piano...
I chose this song for a lesson by for a few reasons.
This song won the Song of the Year award at the 2002 Dove awards and is still on the top of the praise music charts in 2013 so it was no suprise to me that I would get a lot of requests from visitors for a lesson using this song.
Another reason is that it is in a different key ( Key of E major), than some of the other lessons and it is important to get comfortable as a pianist playing in different keys.
You will find that if you play with guitarists they tend quite often to write and play in the key of E as it allows them to use the Open Low E string among other reasons.
Before you read on you may want to listen to the song by watching the video.
For the purpose of learning to play I Can Only Imagine on keyboards it would be good to be seated at an instrument so you can try and play along and "pick out" important things like the Key, the chord progressions, and any signature melody or phrase that has to be copied.
Great Song huh??
If you listened carefully should should have noticed a nice simple almost hypnotic piano introduction starting with the notes D#, E and B.
This intro is almost a signature in that once people hear those three notes played rhythmically they automatically recognize the song.
As a keyboard player you will want to be able to play that phrase.
The Chords.
Like I've told you there are hundreds...no thousands of songs that use only three chords (I, IV, V) and this is one of them with one small addition of the VI minor at the end.
So in the key of E major we will be using the chords E major to A major for the verse. A maj, B maj E maj for the chorus and finally at the end of the song the addition of a C# minor chord used in the outro.
Best Home Study for "Ear Players"
After checking out dozens of home study courses that teach you to play by ear and focus on chord progressions I am convinced that the folks at Hear and Play have the best, most well rounded program available for just about all styles of music from Gospel to Jazz. Read my review or visit Hear and Play for more information.
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If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future lessons feel free to Contact Me.
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